Nova Scotia Home Builders Research And Selection Process For Establishing A New Home

Streetscape is critical. People may not make the decision to buy your home when they pull up in front of it, but they will make the decision NOT to buy it if the curb appeal is not good.

Assess the "curb appeal". Get into your car and drive around the block. Now pull up in front of your house. Ask yourself, "Does what I see make my house stand out (in a positive way!) from all the others on the block"? If not, FIX IT!

Although you might be attracted to saving some money by sharing your seller's agent, don't. This also applies for the seller's appraiser and inspector. They have more of an allegiance to their hirer, the seller. Such a large purchase should be checked thoroughly by your own appraisers and inspectors. If you crosscheck the findings of the other party, you will most likely find disparities.

It is wise to select the contractors that has the best experience. some contractors are also backed by a nationwide home warranty program, if your repair will be covered by your insurance company. then see if the contractor will also process the claim for you. this will give you hassle free.

Get out the patching compound and fill in all those little holes. Be sure to eyeball each wall one at a time top to bottom for cracks. Now check the wood around the windows. There are several quick drying multi purpose fillers on the market so get one that works on wood as well.

Viewing the profile of the realtors is not enough. You have to go the office of the realtor and then interview him. However, in order to do this, you have to have time. Well, though if you do not have enough time to interview all the realtors, you can conduct a phone interview. At least, you will talk with the realtor, without having to go out from your office.

And there you have the fab five for the week. Now it's time to scramble your cerebella with another dumb joke. I guarantee, you will not find this one wanting on that score.

ALWAYS expect a counter offer. This is just a numbers game for the bank. There are ZERO emotions involved. The bank will attempt to squeeze every last penny they can out of their asset. If you come in full price they may counter closing costs or home first american warranty cost or inspection/repair cost but rest assured they will counter.