A Home Warranty Plan Gives You Peace Of Mind

Well, once again ("ONCE AGAIN?" they all raged in perfect one-part harmony. 'WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN FOR THE PAST THREE WEEKS?"), IT IS TIME...OOPS, EXCUSE ME (HE TURNS THE CAPS LOCK off.) for another edition of America's 742nd favorite pastime, Odd Man Out. I know it has been a while since you played the game...it has been a while hasn't it? Don't even let me find out you've been playing OMO with someone else.

Sellers realize that in a buyer's market, often they have to give a little something extra to the buyers to entice a sale. But in a Seller's market, the Sellers don't have to give much if anything; they are looking for fresh ideas from the Buyers to motivate them to accept their offer.

Of course, there's also a lot of benefit if you are the seller buying the home warranty plan. First, you are going to attract a lot more buyers to your property. They'll be more interested in a home where they won't have to worry about moving in and having old appliances break down that they can't afford to pay for.

The Realtor can explain financing options to you and direct the best possible financing sources to you. Most home buyers don't realize that they can buy a home with NO MONEY DOWN. There are also down payment assistance programs available where the down payment assistance money does not have to be paid back. Please note that you're not required to use a mortgage company/bank that the Realtor refers to you. You are welcome to use any company that you like. However, The warranty group process tends to be smoother if you use a company that you know has good loan programs & good loan officers. Since Realtors use mortgage companies & banks everyday, their knowledge and experience may be helpful in locating a good company.

15. If you must be there when your home is shown, and I do not suggest it, don't try to sell your home. Let people walk around on their own. Do not follow them around or hover. Let the agent do his job.

It is crucial that you advertise that you have a warranty on the home if you get a seller's warranty. This is an inexpensive method that makes prospective buyers feel more at ease with making a purchase.

It is important though to be careful when checking established companies. It can be that the company is legitimate, but it has no name. If it hesitates to provide the information, including the licensing information, then you should avoid it.

Whether you are a buyer or seller, there are a lot of positives to choosing a home warranty plan. It'll save you money on one hand a help you sell on the other.